GoSlim - 可以对身体和嘴唇做 Editor 处理

by Kasaba Labs (photo editor, retouch, slimmer apps)


1.49 usd

Photoshop的脸部和身体. 编辑自拍和照片的出色应用。可以对身体和嘴唇做 Editor 处理。 想让照片看上去更漂亮?想知道怎样拍出杂志上模特的效果? GoSexy是一款面向女性的操作简单,功能强大的照片编辑应用。用于照片后期处理! GoSexy的出色功能:
* GoSexy-形成让人留下深刻印象的曲线!
* GoFit-让您的身材看上去更健康!腹部,腰部,手臂和腿的瘦身效果。
* GoLipsy-让您的嘴唇更饱满富有光泽!
Reshape your face and body. Photoshop your face and body. Look slim, fit and taller on your beauty photos. Enhance your portraits, selfies and belfie by plumping your lips, lifting your nose and cheekbones. GoSexy has UNIQUE photo editing tools. You can alter the shape of your photo. Great app for editing selfies and photos. Natural-looking and amazing results! GoSexy offers much more than classic photo filters.
GoSexy has authentic features:
* GoTall - Look taller on your photos!
* GoSexy - Make impressive curves! Breast, hips augmentation.
* GoFit - Make your body look fit! Slimming photo effect on belly, waist, arms and legs. Look skinny.
* GoLipsy - Make your lips plump and shiny!
* GoNose - Lift your nose! Rhinoplasty.
* GoCheek-Lift your cheekbones! Supermodel cheek bones. Makeup contouring.
* GoTan - Suntan effect on your photos! Get tanned!
* GoFx - Bonus filters.
Photoshop photos to look slim, fit and perfect. Have Kardashian curves with one tap. Post beautiful photos on social networks. Impress your friends.
GoSexy photo editor and portrait enhancer tools detailed explanation:
GoTall for body
Look taller on your photos. Increase your height and have longer legs on your photos. Look tall and lean with GoTall.
GoSexy for body
Make impressive Kardashian curves! Use GoSexy to have great bikini photos. Look great in a gorgeous night dress. Augmentation effect on your body. Make beauty photos. Retouch photos to have plastic surgery effect.
GoFit for body
Make your body look fit! Photoshop slimming photo effect on belly, waist, arms and legs. You can slim your body and have skinny photos. Body fitness effect is easy with one tap.
GoLipsy for face
Make your lips plump and shiny! No more kissing the camera. Plump your lips to have thick, glossy lips. Retouch photos to have lip makeup and plastic surgery effect. Portrait enhancer tool.
GoNose for face
Lift your nose. Nose narrowing and lifting is easy with GoNose. Retouch photos to have nose job, nose surgery effect. Face contouring makeup effect.
GoCheek for face
Lift your cheekbones! Supermodels have high cheek bones that look amazing on photos.
Selfie Cam and photo editor tools
Crop, Rotate, Flip-Easily crop, rotate and flip your photos and selfies. Blur and edit photos.
Share your perfect photos and selfies to get likes.